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    Rehearsal 13 May

    This is from Jonathan As a reminder, I will not be with you this coming Monday because Ellie has a milestone birthday that day. Instead, Jan and Claire will be taking care of a few pieces to…

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    Rehearsal 6th May

    Note from Jonathan about the next rehearsal and apologies for not passing on his message received this morning about a concert by Gesualdo 6 that he highly recommended. Hope they do another one! Here’s what I’m planning…

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    Rehearsal 29 April

    Note from Jonathan. Here’s Monday’s rehearsal plan. I’ve told Katie that we’ll be doing Schubert’s An Die Musik and would like to start that on Monday. It’s in the Flexible Songs book. Then Cantique de Jean Racine…

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    Rehearsal 22 April

    Here’s Jonathan’s plan for the next rehearsal. Ave Verum Corpus Cantique de Jean Racine Missa Brevis Sanctus Agnus Dei Credo up to bar 60 The website now has his recordings of the Credo, split into parts from…

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    Rehearsal 25 March

    These are the items for our Come and Join Us event on Monday, kindly hosted by David and Claire (hoped I picked the right spelling) And the Glory of the Lord Imagine Sound of Silence Dancing Queen…

  • Rehearsal

    Rehearsal on 18 March

    Jonathan proposes to go through these on Monday Missa Brevis – Gloria, in full Imagine Sound of Silence Break Missa Brevis – Sanctus Les Misérables Everything is available on the website so get practising!

  • Rehearsal

    Rehearsal on 11 March

    Here is the proposed rehearsal list for Monday 11 March Dancing Queen Ave Verum Corpus And the Glory of the Lord (Jonathan asks everyone to review there parts) Break Missa Brevis Kyrie Missa Brevis Gloria, final section…

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    Rehearsal on 4th March

    This is Jonathan’s proposed list of items for Monday, from sunny Portugal And the glory of the Lord The sound of silence Cantique de Jean Racine Missa Brevis, Gloria bars 1-19 and 32-63 Donna Nobis Pacem Les…