More on Jonathan’s note
I should have explained that you can find the note on the link To Music, where it’s a submenu item.
Rhythm Changes in Schubert’s To Music
Note from Jonathan, for your interest. I’m just following up with something I said last night that I’d do regarding the rhythm changes in To Music. I’m having David attach a document that I’ve written up on…
Rehearsal 29 April
Note from Jonathan. Here’s Monday’s rehearsal plan. I’ve told Katie that we’ll be doing Schubert’s An Die Musik and would like to start that on Monday. It’s in the Flexible Songs book. Then Cantique de Jean Racine…
Rehearsal 22 April
Here’s Jonathan’s plan for the next rehearsal. Ave Verum Corpus Cantique de Jean Racine Missa Brevis Sanctus Agnus Dei Credo up to bar 60 The website now has his recordings of the Credo, split into parts from…