Jonathan and Ellie welcome baby Margot!
She’s here! Margot Marie Hatley was born at 3:59am on Sunday 21 July, weighing 7lbs 11oz. She has a full head of hair, very strong arms, and the cutest hiccups. Ellie is doing fine but is very…
Separate items from Concert Video
I did get around to cutting up our concert video into the separate pieces. I decided to leave the whole Mass, however. You can find the clips in my Google Drive folder, found here: Jonathan
Jonathan’s Farewell and Link to Concert Video
Dear people, Just wanted to say another thank you for your hospitality on Monday at the social, and renewed thanks to David and Claire for being such generous and gracious hosts! Ellie and I had a great…
Summer Concert, 5 July 2024
Dear people, Just wanted to quickly share the concert recording with you. I’ll take time this coming week to sit down and write a more thoughtful recap of my time with you all, but things don’t slow…
Rehearsal 1 July
From Jonathan Dear people, We’re almost there! We have one more regular rehearsal this coming Monday and then our concert day is that next Friday. Thank you for all your hard work on this programme. This…
Rehearsal 24 June
Here’s the plan for Monday. It’ll be another full mass rehearsal! Kyrie Credo (full) (Break) Sanctus Gloria Agnus Dei Jonathan
Rehearsal 17 June 2024
Dear singers, Just giving you a heads up about our next rehearsal. St John’s May week concert is Monday evening and the college choir has been asked to sing three pieces right at the beginning. Luckily, we’re…
Website restored!
For users of I’m pleased to say it’s back working normally. To protect the site the hosting company has to renew its certificate from time to time and it had briefly expired.
Rehearsal 3 June
These are the rehearsal items for Monday – And the Glory of the Lord – Now is the Month of Maying – Cantique de Jean Racine Break – Credo (All) – Gloria (All)
Rehearsal 20 May
Message from Jonathan Dear all, Hope you all had a great rehearsal on Monday—I’ve only heard great things! Thanks so much again to Jan and Claire. Ellie and I really enjoyed our day together. The time was…