Rehearsal 20 May
Message from Jonathan
Dear all,
Hope you all had a great rehearsal on Monday—I’ve only heard great things! Thanks so much again to Jan and Claire.
Ellie and I really enjoyed our day together. The time was much needed after barely seeing her the week before.
And thanks to those who came to my Bach concert last Friday. Always great to have familiar faces in the audience!
For this coming week I would like to hear people who are interested in doing solos. There are a handful for each voice part, and I would love to have a variety of singers from the choir. I’m going to take the last 20 minutes of Monday’s rehearsal to hear people in groups who would like to be considered for a solo. If you’re interested in a solo, please prepare the following to sing in small groups on Monday:
Sopranos, Altos, and Tenors: We’ll do the Benedictus (after the Sanctus) without the basses.
Basses: Please look at the relatively substantial solo in the Credo, the Et incarnatus est beginning at bar 124. I’ve written in suggested ornaments that I would like in the concert, but not necessary for Monday.
Obviously if you could look at it beforehand that would be preferable. I haven’t made part tracks for these sections, so please refer to the video at this link. Sops, Altos, Tenors start at 14:09; Basses start at 9:49
And finally, here are the pieces I’m planning to work on for this Monday’s rehearsal:
– To Music
– Credo 61–90
– Credo 91–123
– Cantique
– Cum sancto from Gloria
– Pleni sunt coeli and ‘Hosanna’ from Sanctus